Have you ever had trouble concentrating, found it hard to sit still, interrupted others during a conversation, or acted impulsively without thinking things through? Can you recall times when you daydreamed or had difficulty focusing on the task at hand? Are you one of the ten per cent of British adults now thought to have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?
Most of us can picture acting this way from time to time. But for some people, these and other exasperating behaviours are uncontrollable, persistently plaguing their day-to-day existence. These behaviours will interfere with a person’s ability to form lasting friendships or succeed in school, at home, or with their career.
Many adults with ADHD have never been diagnosed, so they may not be aware they have the disorder. They may have been wrongly diagnosed with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder or a learning disability. Or if already diagnosed, many can be constantly frustrated with the daily ADHD-related challenges faced.
The symptoms of ADHD do not always go away – you might start to experience symptoms in childhood and find that they continue into your teenage years and as an adult. Fortunately, ADHD is readily treatable.
Psychological therapy is the recommended first-line treatment in the UK for children with mild to moderate ADHD and can bring relief to both your child and your family.
ADHD therapy is also helpful even if your child or adolescent has severe ADHD and is taking medication. While medication can help children be less impulsive or hyperactive, it doesn’t teach them what other positive behaviours to choose. Working with a therapist also prepares your child for a future time where they might come off their medication.
Working with an ADHD child and adolescent psychologist can offer your child the following:
All our psychiatrists, psychologists and psychotherapists have a minimum of five years clinical experience and are trained and registered to work with children.
MHS offers ADHD services for children and adults from initial assessment and follow up sessions through to therapy.